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Quinoa Seeds: All you need to know about the “mother of all seeds”

Quinoa seeds are small but they have a big heart. Here is all you need to know about this super-grain.

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Baking with Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts have so many nutritional properties, that our body’s need and love. They are rich in magnesium, vitamin E, healthy fats and mineral salts: real goodness for you and your hazelnut cakes.

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Blueberry properties: those that you (perhaps) did not know

Blueberries are just like teff, small but packs a powerful punch.

Blueberries, in the wild, generally grow on small shrubs in mountainous undergrowth. The shrubs bloom in spring and the juicy berries are ready to for harvesting in late summer.

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Buckwheat: a fantastic pseudo-cereal

Buckwheat is a plant whose grains have many properties. With this guide, you will discover all of them. Let’s start!

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The Three Benefits of Quinoa

Quinoa is an ancient South American plant, referred to as the “mother of all seeds” by the Inca. The seeds of this plant are very versatile: you can boil and eat them or turn them into flour to make bread, biscuits and many other recipes.

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“We are manufacturers and with our products we respect the environment, in cooperation
with suppliers and commercial partners who share our commitment to sustainability.
We take care of people, designing organic, healthy and functional products developed
following precise nutritional needs. Our motto? Nourish your health, with taste!”

Emanuele Zuanetti CEO